Saturday, January 10, 2009

steps to follow for a proper creativity in communication

1. It takes a lot of hard work and seriousness to write a good creative brief. Most of the organizations do have a format and even the agency under consideration should ideally give a format to be filled. Every thought about creative, strategy should be put down in writing to avoid problems later. Also looking at past briefs should give you a good idea. Make sure that the brief contains at least the below mentioned head. A great campaign starts with a correct brief.
I have penned down some broad outlines for you to follow if you wish to creat your own briefing format.
A formal structure of an agency brief:

You need to brief the agency about:

Communication Objectives:

Where you are now? As a brand and Where do we wish to be?

This section should give the agency a good idea about the distance that needs to be travelled by creative communication viz. a TVC

What are we doing to get there?

Marketing and Campaign Strategy

This section should lay out the other marketing plan / activities that are taking place along with the TVC.

Whom are we talking to?

Serious attention should be given to TG definition and should be clearly stated in the brief. Ideally Media TG definition should also be there. Use Demographics, Attitudes, Psychographics, Product Usage and life stage. Share any research or insights that you have with the agency. Ideally should be one line insights not a 100slide ppt.


It is imperative to define as to what the deliverables are or what will define that communication has worked. Depending on the communication objectives it could be increase in awareness, trial, footfalls, raise in salience by X, Increased market shares.
It is ideal to put concrete numbers so, instead of writing Increasing the Market Share, its best to write Increase the market share from 10% to 12% of increase it by X.
The brief should have all the operational details clearly defined.

Project Management- Date, Project Name, PO, Brand Name/ Variant, Team, Contact Details etc...
Physical Dimensions of the Project:
Budgets, Timelines, Creative ideas (pre decided), legal constraints etc...
The signing authorities, the person who will sign off the work done by the agency needs to be clearly stated. Sometimes in organization you have to find that person, but she needs to be found and stated clearly in the brief.

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